Region: Africa

Country: Egypt

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Show only banknotes available for sale or trade

5 £ - Egyptian pound Signature: M. Ibrahim 1976 dodda-2007
5 Pounds & 15 Piastres (Check Issued by Omar Toussoun family to the the Revolutionary Government... 1955 gradenko
5 Pounds (Kingdom of Egypt 1940) 1940 gradenko
70 Palestinian Pounds (Al Chark / Palestine revenues insurance policy / Kingdom of Egypt 1940) 1940 gradenko
5 Pounds (Republic of Egypt 1958) 1958 gradenko
5 Pounds 1973 gradenko
20 Pounds 1976 gradenko
1 Pound (Kingdom of Egypt 1941) 1941 gradenko
50 Piastres (Kingdom of Egypt 1945) 1945 gradenko
10 Pounds (United Arab Republic / National Bank) 1960 gradenko
10 Piastres 1998 gradenko
50 Piastres (Republic of Egypt 1957) 1957 gradenko
5 Piastres 1998 gradenko
EGYPT 25 Piastres 1970 1970 Griffith
EGYPT 1 Pound 1993 1993 Griffith
25 Piastres (National Bank / Kingdom of Egypt 1941) 1941 gradenko
EGYPT 25 Piastres 2006 2006 Griffith
EGYPT 1 Pound 1971 1971 Griffith
EGYPT 50 Piastres 2008 2008 Griffith
EGYPT 1 Pound 2003 2003 Griffith