Region: Asia

Country: Uzbekistan

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Dark blue, black, deep purple on green and multicolour underprint. Arms at left and as watermark.... 1997 DreamFLight911
Purple and blue on multicolour underprint. Stylized facing peacocks at left. Drubja Narodov... 1994 DreamFLight911
Dark brown, olive-brown and dull brown-orange on multivolour underprint. Esplanade and the two... 1994 DreamFLight911
Dark blue and brown on multicolour underprint. Mausoleum of Kazi Zade Rumi in the mecropolis... 1994 DreamFLight911
Purple and blue-grey on multicolour underprint. Tomb of Tamerlane in Samarakand at center right... 1994 DreamFLight911
Blue-green on light blue and gold underprint. 1992 DreamFLight911
Red on light blue and gold underprint. 1992 DreamFLight911
Purple on light blue and gold underprint. 1992 DreamFLight911
Green on light blue and gold underprint. 1992 DreamFLight911
Blue-grey on light blue and gold underprint. 1992 DreamFLight911
25 Sum Pk 77 1994 Giorgio64
10 Sum Pk 76 1994 Giorgio64
1 SUM VI1801176 P # 73 1994 Andre1621
Uzbekistan 50 Sum 1994 P78. 1994 londoncard2
1 Sum Pk 73 1994 Giorgio64
25 Sum Pk 65a 1992 Giorgio64
Uzbekistan 5 Sum 1992 P63. 1992 londoncard2
Uzbekistan 3 Sum 1994 P74. 1994 londoncard2
Uzbekistan 3 Sum 1992 P62 1992 londoncard2
50 Sum Pk 78 1994 Giorgio64
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