


Update : 96 Territories / 154 Notes ----- I collect UNC notes, i started collecting in 2008, i try to get 1 Note of certain value for every country of the world, plus some extras that i like and for ITALY (30)

MauMauNotes's collection (All countries)

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3 Pesos, 'Che Guevara' 1988 Cuba
2 Dollars, Red Seal 1963 USA
5000 Escudos, pre-euro, 'Vasco da Gama' 1996 Portugal
1000 Denari 2009 Macedonia
25 Ringgit 1992 Brunei
50 Gulden 'Sunflower' 1982 Netherlands
50 Mark 1996 Germany
50 Florin * Beautiful Note /Golden Owls all over the paper !!! 2003 Aruba
10.000 Lire 'A.Volta' 1998 Italy
5 Rials 2000 Oman
50 Dollars 2002 Fiji
100.000 Lire Italy, Botticelli 1978 Italy
1000 Francs 1985 Luxembourg
100 Pesos 2009 Mexico
1 Lira 'Impero', Fascist regime 1939 Italy
50 Lari 2008 Georgia
10 Dinar 2004 Libya
200 Francs 'Montesquieu' 1988 France
200 Francs *** 120 *** 1995 Belgium
20 Pounds £ 1994 Ireland
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