

United States

Tiffibunny's collection (All countries)

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US 2 Dollar Federal Reserve Note 1963 1963 USA
US 5 Dollar Silver Certificate 1934 1934 USA
US 10 Dollar Gold Certificate 1928 1928 USA
US 20 Dollar Gold Certificate 1928 1928 USA
Homemade Note Design. Was a gift. 1999 USA
Personal Note Design 2004. Gift 2004 USA
US 2 Dollar Bill 1995 1995 USA
1923 Large Size 1 Dollar Silver Certificate 1923 USA
1928 2 Dollar Federal Reserve Note (stained) 1928 USA
Hungarian Fund NYC $1 1852. This is a large size note, 195 * 100 millimetres, and was used for... 1852 USA
1934 US 1 Dollar Silver Certificate funnyback 1934 USA
1963 US 2 Dollar Federal Reserve Note Red Seal 1963 USA
US 50 Dollar Star Note Series 2004 2004 USA
City of Portsmouth 15 Cents Fractional Note 1862. 1862 USA
State of Georgia 50 Cents Fractional Note 1865. 1965 USA
The State of Alabama 10 Cent Fractional Note 1863. 1863 USA
2005 Imperial Bank of Coinpeople 10 Guineas Error Note, unsigned. 2005 USA
2005 Imperial Bank of Coinpeople 5 Guineas, error note, unsigned. 2005 USA
Coinpeople Currency 10 Coinbucks Serial 03. 2005 USA
Coinpeople Currency 5 Coinbucks Serial 02. 2005 USA
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