


Tommy's collection (All countries)

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20 New Sheqalim 1993 Israel
1 Peso 1974 Argentina
5000 Francs 2015 Guinea
10 Taka 2012 Bangladesh
5 Shillings 1969 Biafra
British Armed Forces - 1 Pound 0 United Kingdom
25 Pf. Notgeld 1920 Germany
10 Yuan - Foreign Exchange Certificate 1979 China
20 Francs - Banque de la Republique du Burundi (01-11-2007) 2007 Burundi
2000 Rupiah 2013 Indonesia
5 Yuan 1960 China
10 Gourdes - REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI 2000 Haiti
10 Lire 1939 Italy
2 Jiao 1980 China
1 Jiao 1962 China
100 Francs 1958 Guinea
10 Pfg. Notgeld City of Grottkau/Grodków 1921 Germany
50 Pfg. Notgeld City of Wohlau/Wołów 1921 Germany
50 Pfg. Notgeld City of Grünberg/Zielona Góra 1921 Germany
10 Pfg. Notgeld City of Wohlau/Wołów 1921 Germany