

United States

labmom's collection (All countries)

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1983 Falkland Islands
1975 Jordan
Faeroe Islands 1949 Denmark
Martinique 1944 France
Brought back from the Dominican Republic, directly out of circulation, when a co-worker... 2004 Dominican Republic
Brought back from the Dominican Republic, directly out of circulation, when a co-worker... 2004 Dominican Republic
Brought back from the Dominican Republic, directly out of circulation, when a co-worker... 2004 Dominican Republic
Brought back from the Dominican Republic, directly out of circulation, when a co-worker... 2003 Dominican Republic
Brought back from the Dominican Republic, directly out of circulation, when a co-worker... 2003 Dominican Republic
1988 Dominican Republic
Brought back from the Dominican Republic, directly out of circulation, when a co-worker... 2003 Dominican Republic
Brought back from the Dominican Republic, directly out of circulation, when a co-worker... 2003 Dominican Republic
1981 South Africa
1986 Finland
1976 Rhodesia
2002 Finland
1936 Denmark
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank 1983 Saint Kitts
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank 1983 Saint Kitts
Specimen Note 1978 Tonga
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