

Disabled veteran living in the Philippines. Have collected for 35+years.

nonamateur's collection (All countries)

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Philippine WWII Guerilla Note, Also known as an Emergengy Circulating Note. This one is from... 1942 Philippines
This is an actual PNB (Philippine National Bank) issue Emergency Circulating note of 1941.... 1941 Philippines
These notes were made out of ANYthing that was handy at the time. It could be old newspaper, or a... 1942 Philippines
Notice that the PNB (Philippine National Bank) issue all say that the PNB WILL PAY THE BEARER ON... 1941 Philippines
A 20 Peso Emergency currency note (Guerilla Note) from Mindanao. This Province is where all the... 1944 Philippines
1945 Philippines Guerilla 20 Peso note from Negros. This is a good example of how these notes... 1945 Philippines
Philippines Two Peso Guerilla note from Mindanao. 1943 Philippines
Philippines One Peso Guerilla note from Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. You MAY have noticed... 1942 Philippines
Philippine Five Peso Guerilla Note from Bohol. Another of the BPGnotes (brown paper bag), but... 1942 Philippines
Philippine Fifty Centavos Guerilla note from Bohol. Most likely printed on brown paper bag material. 1942 Philippines
Philippine One Peso Guerilla note from Bohol. This one appears to have been printed on Brown... 1943 Philippines
Philippine Fifty Centavos Guerilla (emergency) note. This is the Blue Seal note, and first to be... 1944 Philippines
Philippines Five Pesos Guerilla note. Also called Emergency Currency Certificates. This one is... 1944 Philippines
SCARCE Philippine Guerilla Note! This is a Twenty Centavos Guerilla (emergency currency... 1943 Philippines
Philippine Guerilla Twenty Peso note with one of several Prominent Americans featured. This one... 1942 Philippines
Philippine Five Peso Guerilla Note With General Douglas MacArthur featured on the note. From ILOILO. 1942 Philippines
Philippine Guerilla (emergency currency) note. This is a SCARCE AA series note from Mindanao. 1943 Philippines
Philippine Guerilla (emergency currency)2 Peso Note from Mindanao. This is about as nice as you... 1943 Philippines
Philippine Guerilla (emergency currency) Ten Peso Note from Cebu. These Cebu Philippine National... 1941 Philippines
Philippine Guerilla (emergency currency) Ten Peso Note from the Negros Occidental city of... 1941 Philippines
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