Region: Europe

Country: Netherlands

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2.5 Gulden Netherlands Silver Note 1938 Haydhan
5 Gulden 1973 cemars
1 Gulden Netherlands-indie 1943 Haydhan
1938 labmom
10 gulden 1997 GLOBALnumistics
1955 Raymundo
1 Gulden 1938 Tommy
10 Gulden. Value and geometric desigs on face and back. Pick #99 1997 The_Continental_Army
5 Gulden Netherlands-indie 1943 Haydhan
10 Gulden Netherlands Indies Japanese Occupation 1942 Haydhan
Netherlands 10 Gulden 1968 1968 chrisr86
1968 labmom
1 Gulden Netherlands Silver Note 1938 Haydhan
Ten gulden 1997 scoutjim99
1997 Raymundo
1 Gulden Pk 64 1943 Giorgio64
2½ Gulden (1949) 1949 gradenko
No Date 1942 Netherlands Indies WWII Japanese Occupation # 123c Block letters SI My #6 1942 scoutjim99
50 cents Netherlands Indie Muntbiljetten Issue #110 1943 scoutjim99
1953 Raymundo
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