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Region: Asia

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Thailand 100 baht 2011 King's 7th Cycle- 84th Birthday Commemorative Issue 2011 Thailand
Hong Kong 1000 HK$ (Standard Chartered Bank) 2010 {Mythical Animals series} 2010 Hong Kong
1 Dong 1956 Vietnam
Chinese hell money 1985 China
10 Kina 1998 Papua New Guinea
1 Yuan 1936 China
20 Cents 1940 China
20 Cents 1931 China
3 Togrog 1983 Mongolia
20.000 Som 2021 Uzbekistan
10.000 Som 2021 Uzbekistan
5000 Som 2021 Uzbekistan
2000 Som 2021 Uzbekistan
100 Som 2002 Kyrgyzstan
5 Kip 1979 Laos
1 Manat 2020 Azerbaijan
100 Yen - Japan Military Currency 1945 China
Papua New Guinea 2015 20 Kina. 40 Years of Independence. 2015 Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea 2008 20 Kina. 35 Years of the Bank of Papua New Guinea. Low serial number. 2008 Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea N.D. 20 Kina. Specimen. 0 Papua New Guinea
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