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Region: Asia

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1 Dong (South Vietnam) 1964 Vietnam
100 Kina (35th Anniversary Bank of Papua New Guinea 1973-2008) 2008 Papua New Guinea
2000 Riels 1992 Cambodia
100 Rupees 2019 Nepal
100 Rupees 2021 Pakistan
5 Piso 1969 Philippines
5 Dong 1985 Vietnam
2000 Rupiah 2022 Indonesia
1000 Rupiah 2022 Indonesia
HONG KONG 100 Dollars 2013 (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp Ltd) 2013 Hong Kong
500.000 Kuponi 1994 Georgia
100 Dollars (Malaya / Japanese Occupation 1943) 1944 Malaysia
20 Patacas (Banco Nacional Ultramarino) 2013 Macau
1000 Rupiah 1980 Indonesia
Papua New Guinea 2007 5 Kina. South Pacific Games. Specimen. 2007 Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea N.D. (2000) 5 Kina. 25 Years of Independence. Specimen. 0 Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea N.D. (2000) 5 Kina. 25 Years of the Kina. Specimen. 0 Papua New Guinea
10.000 / pk NL / Hell Bank Note / serial B 3333 0 China
10.000 / pk NL / Hell Bank Note / serial J 023456 0 China
100 Yuan / pk NL / Hell Bank Note / serial A 19627014 0 China
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