Sort By: [ID] [Year] [Date Added] [Popularity]
Obverse | Description | Year | Country | |||||
1 Dollar(1987) | 1987 | Singapore | ||||||
1 Dollar(1976) | 1976 | Singapore | ||||||
5 Pesos (Issued in 1961) | 1949 | Philippines | ||||||
1000 Dram | 2001 | Armenia | ||||||
1 Kyat (Union of Burma 1953) | 1953 | Myanmar | ||||||
100 Rupiah | 1977 | Indonesia | ||||||
1000 Riels | 2016 | Cambodia | ||||||
5000 Rupiah | 2016 | Indonesia | ||||||
5 Won | 1998 | Korea - North | ||||||
100 Som | 1994 | Uzbekistan | ||||||
Philippines 2 Pesos Series of 1936 Circulated Banknote MAS | 1936 | Philippines | ||||||
5 Yen | 1946 | Japan | ||||||
5 Piastres / Dong / Riels / Kip (State Institute of Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam - Indochina 1953) | 1953 | Vietnam | ||||||
20 Patacas | 2008 | Macau | ||||||
1 Piastre / Yuan / Dong / Kip / Riel - Indochina 1945) | 1945 | Vietnam | ||||||
1000 Won | 1950 | Korea - South | ||||||
20 Cents/Fen/Xu/Sen/At (Indochina 1942) | 1942 | Vietnam | ||||||
10 Cents/Fen/Xu/Sen/At (Indochina 1942) | 1942 | Vietnam | ||||||
5 Cents/Fen/Xu/Sen/At (Indochina 1942) | 1942 | Vietnam | ||||||
20 Yen (Allied Military Command) | 1945 | Japan | ||||||