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Obverse | Description | Year | Country | |||||
5000 Won. Yi I and two raised colored dots for blind at lower left on face; Ojukon, birthplace... | 2002 | Korea - South | ||||||
10000 Won. King Sejong, water clock and three raised colored dots in variable ink on face;... | 2000 | Korea - South | ||||||
100 Rupees. Bhatacharya signature. Large Note. | 1962 | India | ||||||
2 Rupees. Malhotra signature. Tiger. | 1985 | India | ||||||
5 Rupees. S Jaganathan signature. Deer & Antelope. | 1970 | India | ||||||
10 Rupees. Bhatacharya signature. Large note. | 1962 | India | ||||||
5 Rupees. Malhotra signature. | 1985 | India | ||||||
10 Rupees. Bimal Jalan signature. | 1997 | India | ||||||
50 Rupees. C Rangarajan signature. | 1992 | India | ||||||
Philippine WWII Guerilla Note, Also known as an Emergengy Circulating Note. This one is from... | 1942 | Philippines | ||||||
This is an actual PNB (Philippine National Bank) issue Emergency Circulating note of 1941.... | 1941 | Philippines | ||||||
These notes were made out of ANYthing that was handy at the time. It could be old newspaper, or a... | 1942 | Philippines | ||||||
Notice that the PNB (Philippine National Bank) issue all say that the PNB WILL PAY THE BEARER ON... | 1941 | Philippines | ||||||
A 20 Peso Emergency currency note (Guerilla Note) from Mindanao. This Province is where all the... | 1944 | Philippines | ||||||
1945 Philippines Guerilla 20 Peso note from Negros. This is a good example of how these notes... | 1945 | Philippines | ||||||
Philippines Two Peso Guerilla note from Mindanao. | 1943 | Philippines | ||||||
Philippines One Peso Guerilla note from Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. You MAY have noticed... | 1942 | Philippines | ||||||
Philippine Five Peso Guerilla Note from Bohol. Another of the BPGnotes (brown paper bag), but... | 1942 | Philippines | ||||||
Philippine Fifty Centavos Guerilla note from Bohol. Most likely printed on brown paper bag material. | 1942 | Philippines | ||||||
Philippine One Peso Guerilla note from Bohol. This one appears to have been printed on Brown... | 1943 | Philippines | ||||||