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Region: Asia

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100 Kyats (Union of Burma 1958) 1958 Myanmar
1 Yuan (Manchukuo 1937) 1937 China
2 Dong (Central Committee of the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam 1963/ Printed... 1963 Vietnam
20 Afghanis 1977 Afghanistan
100 Yen 1946 Japan
10 Yen 1943 Japan
100 Yen (China - Japanese military 1945/Overprint "Chun Yung Shou Piao"/Military Note) 1945 China
5 Kina 2016 Papua New Guinea
Bangladesh 5 Taka 2006 Bangladesh
10 Dollars 1983 Hong Kong
20 Rupees 2016 Pakistan
50 Xu(Transitional issue used until the South's economic system was merged with that of the... 1966 Vietnam
20 Xu(Transitional issue used until the South's economic system was merged with that of the... 1966 Vietnam
P-8b 10 Ringit 1986 Brunei
1000 Manat 2005 Turkmenistan
5 Manat (issue of 1995) 1993 Turkmenistan
50 Rupiah 1964 Indonesia
10.000 Rupiah 2016 Indonesia
10 Taka 2000 Bangladesh
P-883 Five Jiao 1980 China