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Region: Asia

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100 Rupiah 1977 Indonesia
1000 Riels 2016 Cambodia
5000 Rupiah 2016 Indonesia
5 Won 1998 Korea - North
100 Som 1994 Uzbekistan
Philippines 2 Pesos Series of 1936 Circulated Banknote MAS 1936 Philippines
5 Yen 1946 Japan
5 Piastres / Dong / Riels / Kip (State Institute of Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam - Indochina 1953) 1953 Vietnam
20 Patacas 2008 Macau
1 Piastre / Yuan / Dong / Kip / Riel - Indochina 1945) 1945 Vietnam
1000 Won 1950 Korea - South
20 Cents/Fen/Xu/Sen/At (Indochina 1942) 1942 Vietnam
10 Cents/Fen/Xu/Sen/At (Indochina 1942) 1942 Vietnam
5 Cents/Fen/Xu/Sen/At (Indochina 1942) 1942 Vietnam
20 Yen (Allied Military Command) 1945 Japan
10 Yen (Allied Military Command) 1945 Japan
50 Sen (Allied Military Command) 1945 Japan
10 Sen (Allied Military Command) 1945 Japan
10 Roepiah (Japanese Invasion Money-Netherlands Indies 1944/ 2nd issue) 1944 Indonesia
10 Yuan 1969 Taiwan