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Region: Asia

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The Maldives 20 rufiyaa 2015 2015 Maldives
The Maldives 10 rufiyaa 2015 2015 Maldives
The Maldives 10 rufiyaa 2015 2015 Maldives
The Maldives 20 rufiyaa 2015 2015 Maldives
The Maldives 20 rufiyaa 2015 2015 Maldives
50 rupees 2015 Pakistan
50 Rufiyaa 2015 Maldives
China 100 yuan 2015 2015 China
10.000 Riels 2015 Cambodia
5000 Riels 2015 Cambodia
20 Dollars (Bank of China) 2015 Hong Kong
CAMBODIA 100 Riels 2014 2014 Cambodia
North Korea 1000 won 2008 100th Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's Birthday (15.04.1912) commemorative... 2014 Korea - North
North Korea 2000 won 2008 100th Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's Birthday (15.04.1912) commemorative... 2014 Korea - North
North Korea 5 won 2002 100th Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's Birthday (15.04.1912) commemorative... 2014 Korea - North
North Korea 500 won 2008 100th Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's Birthday (15.04.1912) commemorative... 2014 Korea - North
100 Riels(2014) 2014 Cambodia
500 Riels(2014) 2014 Cambodia
5000 Rupiah 2014 Indonesia
2000 Rupiah 2014 Indonesia
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