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Region: Asia

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Dokdo Islands; 2000 dollars; 2012; Specimen. Private fantasy issue created by Baek Seung Don.... 2012 Exonumia
Dokdo Islands; 100 dollars; 2012; Specimen. Private fantasy issue created by Baek Seung Don. 2012 Exonumia
Dokdo Islands; 50 dollars; 2012; Specimen. Private fantasy issue created by Baek Seung Don. 2012 Exonumia
Dokdo Islands; 1 dollar; July 1, 2012. Private fantasy issue created by Baek Seung Don. 2012 Exonumia
5 ringgit 2012 Malaysia
10 Taka__pk# New 2012 Bangladesh
1 Ringgit 2012 Malaysia
5 Ringgit 2012 Malaysia
10 Ringgit 2012 Malaysia
Macau 100 patacas 2012 100th Anniversary of Bank of China Commemorative Issue 2012 Macau
5 Manat 2012 Turkmenistan
1 Ringgit__ pk# New__ Polymer 2012 Malaysia
Philippines 500 piso 2012 2012 Philippines
Macau 10 patacas (BNU) 2012 "Year of the Dragon" Commemorative Set - contains 2 notes (10 patacas... 2012 Macau
Macau 10 patacas (BOC) 2012 "Year of the Dragon" Commemorative Set contains 2 notes (10 patacas... 2012 Macau
Thailand P107 (500 baht ND 2001) 2012 Thailand
Thailand P115 (1000 baht ND 2005) 2012 Thailand
10 Taka 2012 Bangladesh
20 Taka 2012 Bangladesh
Philippine 100 peso bill 2012 Philippines
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