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20 Taka 2012 Bangladesh
Philippine 100 peso bill 2012 Philippines
India 2012 5 Rupees postal order. Issued at Pune (Maharashtra). 2012 India
India 2012 5 Rupees postal order. Issued at Pune (Maharashtra). 2012 India
India 2012 10 Rupees postal order. Issued at Pune (Maharashtra). 2012 India
India 2012 10 Rupees postal order. Issued at Pune (Maharashtra). 2012 India
India 2012 20 Rupees postal order. Issued at Pune (Maharashtra). 2012 India
India 2012 20 Rupees postal order. Issued at Pune (Maharashtra). 2012 India
India 2012 50 Rupees postal order. Issued at Pune (Maharashtra). 2012 India
India 2012 50 Rupees postal order. Issued at Pune (Maharashtra). 2012 India
India 2012 100 Rupees postal order. Issued at Pune (Maharashtra). 2012 India
India 2012 100 Rupees postal order. Issued at Pune (Maharashtra). 2012 India
20 Ringgit 2012 Malaysia
Hong Kong 100 HK$ 2012 100th Anniversary of Bank of China Commemorative Issue 2012 Hong Kong
Bangladesh 2012 60 Taka. 60 Years of the Bengali Language Movement. Printed on 50 Taka paper. 2012 Bangladesh
taka of 20, 10, 5 and 2 Shipping charge will be USD 5 in registered mail and USD 12 in EMS... 2012 Bangladesh
India 2012 1 Rupee postal order. Issued at the G.P.O. in New Delhi. 2012 India
India 2012 1 Rupee postal order. Issued at the G.P.O. in New Delhi. 2012 India
India 2012 1 Rupee postal order. Issued at Sansag Marg (New Delhi). 2012 India
India 2012 1 Rupee postal order. Issued at Sansag Marg (New Delhi). 2012 India
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